
  • Interview with Ignacy Trzewiczek
    • Mar 16th 2020
    • Posted by NELLY STEINER

    Interview with Ignacy Trzewiczek

    Ignacy Trzewiczek is one of the most famous game designers and publishers from Poland. As owner of Portal Games he is responsible for some of our favorite board games that we have at Mox Boarding House including Imperial Settlers and Tides of Time. We were incredibly excited to be able to get an interview with him.(Mox) Hi Ignacy, it’s so nice to meet you. How did you get involved in game design?(Ignacy) In the late 90’s I was a writer for RPG magazine in Poland. I wrote articles and scenarios for the Warhammer RPG. After some time I decided that I wanted to do this full time. I founded Portal Games and for a couple of years, I was writing and publishing RPGs. Then I discovered board games and made the transition.(Mox) What makes Portal Games unique in the Industry?(Ignacy) Our motto is Bo