
  • Miniatures Gift Guide
    • Dec 11th 2020
    • Posted by MOXBOARDHOUSE

    Miniatures Gift Guide

    If you’re not an avid Miniature hobbyist, buying a gift for one can feel overwhelming. There’s Warhammer, Guild Ball, Marvel Crisis Protocol, X-Wing, but also paints, and brushes, and glues, and books. I’m here to help you sort through all the options and make sure you get the right gift for that gamer in your life. Are they new to the hobby? Or do they have the callused thumbs of a veteran? Do they play space elves or steampunk rat people? Well, cast your worries aside, and let Moose be your minis shopping guide. In addition to my talents for rhymes and puns, I’ve spent the better part of 20 years painting and playing minis.What gift do I get my friend who is just getting started in minis gaming? If you’re looking for a gift for someone who’s just getting started in the minis hobby